To obtain an entry visa for STUDY purposes for University Enrolment (type D “national”) and, subsequently, of a residency permit, the foreign student must demonstrate to be in possession of the following requisites:

a) Economic means for subsistence during the planned stay. These means are quantified as € 467, 65 per month for each month of duration of the academic year, equal to € 6.079, 45 per year. The availability in Italy of such means of support must be proven through personal or parental economic guarantees  or economic guarantees provided by foreign or Italian citizen legally resident in Italy or by scholarship of Italian Institutions or Authorities, including Universities, local Government, foreign Institutions or Authorities. They cannot be demonstrated through the exhibition of a bank guarantee, or of a guarantee insurance policy, and neither with cash.

b) The availability of the necessary sum for repatriation, which can also be demonstrated by showing a return ticket.

c) Suitable lodgings in the national territory.

d) Adequate insurance cover for medical expenses and hospital stays (Art. 39 paragraph 3 Consolidated Law n. 286/1998 and Ministry of the Interior Directive 01.03.2000), which the student must demonstrate being in possession of, at the time of the residency permit request. The following modalities are accepted:

  1. consular declaration which demonstrates the right for health care cover due to an Agreement between Italy and the Country of origin;

  2. foreign insurance policy, accompanied by a consular declaration on its validity in Italy, on its term and on the forms of assistance covered, which should not include limitations or exceptionsto the tariffs established for urgent hospital admittance for the length of the cover

  3. insurance policy with Authorities or national companies accompanied by a declaration from the insuring entity that specifies the absence of limitations or exceptions to the tariffs established for urgent hospital admittance for the length of the cover.