Visa fees

Citizens of the Russian Federation
Visa type Period of stay Cost/Euro
Airport Transit
(visa type“A”)
0 days 90 euro
(for minors of age of 6-12 years old – 45 euro)
Tourist visa, Business visa, Medical Treatment, Sport, Invitation, Self employment visa, Subordinate employment visa, Religious reasons, Transit, Transport
(visa type “C”, Schengen)
C: from 1 to 90 days
and C1, C2, C5: 1,2 e 5 years
90 euro
(for minors of age of 6-12 years old – 45 euro)
Student visa
(visa type “C”, Schengen)
From 1 to 90 days GRATIS
Medical treatment visa, Family reunion visa, Self employment visa, Subordinate employment visa, Religious reasons, Re-entry visa, Elective Residence visa
(visa type “D”, National)
From 91 to 365 days 116 euro
Student visa
(visa type “D”, National)
From 91 to 365 days 50 euro
Nationals of countries with a visa facilitation agreement with the European Union (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine)
Visa type Period of stay Cost/Euro
Airport Transit
(visa type“A”)
0 days 35 euro
Tourist visa, Business visa, Medical Treatment visa, Sport visa, Invitation visa, Self employment visa, Subordinate employment visa, Visa for religious reasons, Transit, Transport
(visa type “C”, Schengen)
C: from 1 to 90 days
and C1, C2, C5: 1,2 e 5 years
35 euro
Student visa
(visa type “C”, Schengen)
From 1 to 90 days GRATIS
Medical treatment visa, Family reunion visa, Self employment visa, Subordinate employment visa, Visa for religious reasons, Re-entry visa, Elective Residence visa
(visa type “D”, National)
From 91 to 365 days 116 euro
Student visa
(visa type “D”, National)
From 91 to 365 days 50 euro
National of other countries
Visa type Period of stay Cost/Euro
Airport Transit
(visa type“A”)
0 days 90 euro
(for minors of age of 6-12 years old – 45 euro)
Tourist visa, Business visa, Medical Treatment visa, Sport visa, Invitation visa, Self employment visa, Subordinate employment visa, Visa for religious reasons, Transit, Transport
(visa type “C”, Schengen)
C: from 1 to 90 days
C1, C2, C5: 1, 2 и 5 лет
90 euro
(for minors of age of 6-12 years old – 45 euro)
Student visa
(visa type “C”, Schengen)
From 1 to 90 days FREE
Medical treatment visa, Family reunion visa, Self employment visa, Subordinate employment visa, Visa for religious reasons, Re-entry visa, Elective Residence visa
(visa type “D”, National)
From 91 to 365 days 116 euro
Student visa
(visa type “D”, National)
From 91 to 365 days 50 euro